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Each mirror is a unique work of art, individually crafted to be a functional and beautiful sculpture with a deeper meaning. The idea behind the work is as crucial as the finished artwork itself


Modern social pressure on improving our appearance has overshadowed the significance of authentically exploring our true selves. Our mirrors are conceptual items that encourage a journey of self-discovery against excessive obsession with surface level appearance


The way reality, form, light, and space interact in the reflection changes how you see yourself and experience the artwork, creating a very personal connection

The Concept of 'SOUL ME' Mirror Promotes Genuine Self-Discovery Over Surface Appearance Obsession

The two different shapes, textures, colours and perspectives of the mirror reflects this tension between visual and emotional exploration.

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Conceptual Mirror

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Iconic Design

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Exceptional Quality

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Easy to Style

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We Custome Make

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To Your Taste And Size


Our mirrors are little luxuries for a life well-lived


Your space affects your mind, surround yourself with beautiful things which impact your life and well-being


Medio 49x59cm

Grande 59x89cm

Extra Grande +89cm


Iconic Design

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Conceptual Mirror

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Easy To Style

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Exceptional Quality

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Your Style and Size

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We Custome Make


Pon Design is a new breed of cutting-edge contemporary design. Our pieces raise from the context of historical art, conceptual style and contemporary design, skilfully combining traditional and sustainable modern materials. 

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The self-taught designer merging boundaries between art and functional design is Laura Gaiteiro, who after years of experience as fine art advisor, decided to develop her own view of aesthetic.

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©2024 by Pon Design

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